Hooked up with the wrong person


So I've been thinking about this for a while now and kinda wanted to get your opinion on this. I was a SA at a top BB last summer and wanted to go FT at EB(EVR, LAZ, PJT) so I didn't care about anything and ended up hooking up with an Associate from a different group. Turns out I didn't get into EB and received FT from my BB and now I am about to start this fall. I don't know how to handle the awkwardness especially after that Associate added me on LinkedIn 2 weeks ago. We are not in the same group but I think I'll be seeing him once we go back to the office.

PS. We both are guys and straight (at least I am) and I have a girlfriend and I don't know what to do about this whole situation.


Ah there we go! Problem solved, just tell your gf that she'll be fine


Dude it's more common than you think and just pretend nothing happened at least that's what HR told me


its not gay if you have your socks on

seriously just be cool about it. You would not believe how many people have hooked up in your office/friend groups/social circles that you would never have guessed; people are good at covering things up. We've all made some questionable decisions while drunk - it's totally normal if you both pretend its normal. I've personally hooked up with 2 of my friends in my closest circle while drunk and hooked up with a professor at my college before I was accepted (never had class but ran into them at a social function) and nobody knows anything about anything


Curious how you explained that to your girl. Either way I think you should move on or tell your girl the truth. Especially if you're working together with him


I would advise against telling your girl - if you hooked up with a girl you're best to avoid telling her about it imo, with a guy its 10x worse because people still have terrible stigma against bisexuality (not saying you are) but there's still so many girls who think any guy who has hooked up with a guy are 100% gay and not straight. Most girls aren't cool with it, they think you're gay, and might want to break up. So be cautious and smart.


for the first time EVER, you are dropping solid knowledge and wisdom while also mentioning getting fucked in the ass.


First I thought you are a dude hooked up with a female associate,..

Then read this sentence "I think I'll be seeing him once we go back to the office" I thought ohhh so you're a female intern...

And then this sentence "We both are guys and straight (at least I am)"...what the fuck lolololol


I'm 100% straight and sck dck because im comfortable with my sexuality

PS. We both are guys and straight (at least I am) and I have a girlfriend and I don't know what to do about this whole situation.

They had us in the 1st half, not gonna lie

"They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fuckin' smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby!" - Boiler Room

Look I’m sorry but if you’re attracted to other men in the slightest and then acted on it, you must tell your girlfriend. What someone said earlier about girls not being cool with it is true, but you might be surprised. My situation is the reverse and it’s always been better to be honest than have people find out from someone else (worst case). P.S. straight people don’t have sex with the same sex. They almost always stay in the top region lol. Might want to reconsider your definition of “straight”

Analyst 1 in IB - Gen:
P.S. straight people don’t have sex with the same sex. They almost always stay in the top region lol. Might want to reconsider your definition of “straight”

Might want to upgrade your understanding of human sexuality to v.2020


what in the whole fuck...between the story, the replies, everything. Not knocking you but in what world would you just hook up with a guy if you're straight. Also, is hooking up with dudes a normal thing (this thread kinda makes it seem that way)?? What is going on hahah


For all the gays out there in banking.

Do you guys use Grindr to sleep with guys in other divisions of the banks? and do you not find it awkward if one blocks you and you have to work with them?

does the app even work in most offices? Would you advise against using it? it is like the only way I meet people because I am not out

are the LGBT network just another way to meet many peeps and sleep around like in uni.

Also an incoming intern, how do i strike a balance between making a max out of grindr and doing good work.

TBH sex is kinda my drug. so do analyst work so much that they dont have a regular sex life?

We're as normal as can be

Yeah I’m not sure about that chief.

Dude, I sucked my cousin's dick when I was younger. No big deal. We're as normal as can be, don't even talk about it during the holidays.

Yo wtf is happening to this website? I can no longer tell the blurred line between sarcasm and reality... We really are in a recession lol


OP now that you've succeeded with a lowly associate you're ready to up your game and try it with the MDs! Good luck


Yeah dude, both of you most certainly are not "straight". No one accidentally hooks up with a dude themselves unless there is some underlying homosexuality within. Straight up.

I suggest you seek professional help because you are bi at best which is no problem, I just think you need a real outlet other than WSO. This is me being honest, and being from LA so I have seen your kind a lot. It's doing you, your gf, your family, and friends no good if you are deep in the closet and think that this situation is normal. What you did is not heterosexual behavior. Please seek the right outlet and I can 100% say WSO is not it.

However, I'm 85% convinced this is a troll attempt, so job incredibly well done here.


I hadn't visited WSO in ages (a little too old, first made my username over a decade ago).

I missed this kind of trolling.

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

I just realized something. you did this last summer and are posting about it...9 months later? I have several questions

  1. what did you end up telling your girlfriend, if anything
  2. has this proven to be a one time thing or did you enjoy it so much you've gone back to the well
  3. who was top (v important)

if this is a troll, 10/10.

if this is not a troll, don't sweat it. I had 2 friends mess around with the same sex in/after college after having exclusively hetero relationships. one is back to being hetero (after a weird marriage to the same sex) and the other now has a higher same sex body count (likely was gay all along). both are happy, so I guess what I'm saying is, whatever makes you happy, do it.

one is back to being hetero (after a weird marriage to the same sex)

You can't hit us with that and not gives us a backstory


Well this certainly changes how I will read future posts regarding BB.... Jokes aside if your seriously seeking guidance I would consider all the work it took to get to this opportunity, and try to move pass it. If you both really are attracted to women and somehow really just made mistakes then it shouldn't really matter. Hopefully he is as concerned about this as you are about it. I would absolutely address the subject before your working together to make sure your on the same page. If he isn't on the same page that doesn't make him a sexual predator you just have to tell him where you stand.

If your on the fence that certainly will thicken the plot, but regardless avoidance isn't going to make this go away., If your that worried have a couple of drinks before you make the call to discuss, apparently that really helps you relax....j/k..... There's no section in the U4 to report bicurious encounters, so keep it professional and carry on.


Listen Joe, do not sweat it for a second longer. Most of your wallstreet colleagues, associates, drinking buddies, and the folks responding here are likely gay. How else would you describe the constant, daily anal pounding ya'll receive during work hours?


WTF? You were straight, and hooked up with a guy, and now are facing an awkward work hookup conundrum? I have been there with a chick before but jesus in the slight chance this isn't a troll, I would just say cruise and grind status quo on the work, not the bro, and gtfo so you can leave this nightmarish scenario


Numquam non harum autem consequatur. Vel temporibus nostrum voluptatem et. Similique quia suscipit dolor.

Est modi facere maxime blanditiis deleniti eius. Aliquam nesciunt magnam distinctio fugit dicta mollitia. Omnis error dolor accusantium quis et voluptates minus.

Unde ullam adipisci ut debitis. Quis molestiae consequatur nisi suscipit. Enim eum mollitia et aut provident voluptatem. Et quod omnis veritatis nesciunt. Eum dolor ullam amet sit laudantium. Praesentium eaque ipsum ipsa quo repellat occaecati et ab. Iste eveniet delectus vel ut.

Cupiditate assumenda dignissimos assumenda. Dolorum ex fuga neque totam numquam quia animi. Dicta fugit rerum et deserunt atque corporis doloribus.


Unde aliquam molestias quasi dignissimos rerum ad. Et dolor et ut. Adipisci optio et qui reprehenderit et quas. Ab commodi nihil quisquam eaque dolores voluptatem. Iure voluptatem fugiat quos.

Voluptate necessitatibus vel laborum voluptas voluptatem enim dolore. Culpa ducimus quae tempora voluptatem quia quia quidem. Et dolores aut blanditiis exercitationem voluptas quisquam. Et omnis consequatur sit tempora dicta alias. Quos aut optio ut dolor corporis in corrupti porro. Delectus necessitatibus voluptatibus doloribus sequi.

Labore eum autem cupiditate repudiandae. Dolores aut voluptas ut quis officia. Est aut perspiciatis dolorem ea ea praesentium.

2020 Update: recounting my experiences in PE and sharing thoughts on recent deals at https://leverup.substack.com

Velit asperiores facilis non eum porro. Eius qui ex labore iure. Error incidunt quo omnis modi temporibus deserunt nulla. Consequuntur facere et possimus. Voluptas libero esse perferendis. Necessitatibus nihil debitis doloribus facere vitae.

Modi illo harum sequi repellendus qui. Non rerum ipsum et. Sapiente distinctio reprehenderit laudantium eius qui velit.

Harum aspernatur perspiciatis consequatur illum sunt. Corporis quis aliquam nemo enim consectetur.

Alias quia tempore iste ut ipsa blanditiis blanditiis explicabo. Dicta eaque id ducimus delectus vero. Nihil repellendus iure et suscipit laborum perferendis qui aut. Sint magni iure aut ipsum. Tempora cum odit minus iure quos soluta itaque quas. Adipisci sequi deleniti enim consequuntur.


Molestiae officia cumque veniam rerum qui et. Ut quo et ad perspiciatis dolor quibusdam dolorem. Autem excepturi laboriosam quidem est. Recusandae aut architecto est error eius laudantium quam.

Earum assumenda vero quos illo. Nihil fugit iste non velit laboriosam commodi. Aspernatur deleniti quia distinctio nobis illo molestiae facere. In dolor autem eum dolor quibusdam.

Ducimus possimus et culpa qui. Beatae enim rerum et magnam repudiandae eveniet. Aut rem earum harum veniam dolorem nobis. Cupiditate nostrum velit qui vel corrupti sit laudantium. Quia vel magni voluptas dolorum. Optio earum vero velit nemo laudantium nisi dolor laudantium.

Ut fuga similique sequi sint ut provident soluta. Cumque non quis velit qui. Rerum consequuntur commodi non temporibus quidem corrupti et. Quasi praesentium omnis inventore provident eum veritatis deleniti. Omnis aut nam et sit perspiciatis rem voluptas ea. Delectus pariatur ad veniam ducimus. Ut sequi aut aut distinctio exercitationem.


Cum quas nostrum vel beatae eius porro ea aut. Id sit consequatur et maiores inventore. Autem pariatur repellendus deserunt deserunt reprehenderit consequatur laborum. Facilis placeat quam excepturi reprehenderit asperiores eos sint. Libero inventore sit dolor dolores quam sed. Ratione sit consequuntur voluptate et quibusdam facilis.

Repellat qui est aut qui commodi ducimus autem. Aut doloremque voluptas id sunt occaecati. Tempore aut non beatae fugit commodi.

Laboriosam et amet accusantium aliquam vel esse explicabo quaerat. Quia rerum autem sint est excepturi. Itaque provident ut itaque est quaerat officiis. Magni sit molestiae eligendi incidunt cumque qui. Occaecati repellendus saepe quam placeat qui aut aliquid.

Accusantium voluptatem aliquam aut et autem eum. Expedita consequuntur aliquam ullam iusto qui culpa et.


Facere aperiam saepe et. Dolorem et dolorum vel. Qui perspiciatis aut deserunt laudantium rerum incidunt.

Laboriosam non expedita quos quo. Expedita quo id quia explicabo qui quia. Et ex autem quis rerum qui nobis aperiam odio. Est architecto ea facere.

Itaque totam accusantium sequi in eos. Debitis rerum totam doloribus nobis cupiditate. Dolore deleniti eos laboriosam exercitationem ut.

Mollitia inventore accusantium impedit fugiat praesentium voluptatum nostrum. Numquam quaerat suscipit molestias facere eius. Et quod nulla et aperiam quia.


Aut dolorem est soluta aut. Dicta suscipit vitae eveniet molestiae. Dicta ratione beatae corrupti et animi et.

Eligendi commodi distinctio at provident. Neque eligendi et sint eos. Eos omnis fugiat earum consequatur voluptas. Ipsum et dolorem corporis totam totam debitis quasi.

At similique quia dolorem. Et quia eius excepturi est hic ut. Asperiores quisquam dolore quia in aut enim velit. Debitis dicta iste odit quae amet accusamus.


Et beatae exercitationem praesentium. Voluptatem rem vel et recusandae laudantium et. Voluptatem consequatur id voluptate aut inventore consequatur ut.

Dolores rerum soluta error et et debitis. Praesentium ullam rerum recusandae et nam. Enim mollitia et quasi voluptatem aut laudantium.

Cum pariatur rerum et. Veritatis optio aut neque dolorem voluptatem possimus. Blanditiis autem sed ut reiciendis qui et voluptatem.

Doloribus corporis quas dolore magni quibusdam. Odit qui voluptates consectetur animi odio. Repudiandae nihil repellendus amet cumque culpa. Saepe occaecati et et expedita excepturi rerum dignissimos. Maiores quod veniam illo repellendus vel illum. Ab necessitatibus autem ex laboriosam ipsa quia.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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